
Get Connected

Connect Card

Are you brand-new to Fellowship Olathe? One way we get to know you is through our connect card. Once you fill out a card, we will follow up with you with a small gift and next steps to help you connect with our church family.

Next Steps

We believe church membership is a necessary and important step for every believer because it represents a statement of commitment to our Lord and Savior and to His church. 

Join A Group

You were made to live in community with others, and one way to find community is through a group! We have weekly Life Groups for continually study of God’s Word and Growth Groups to help you grow in specific areas in your walk with the Lord. Join a group today!

Serve On A Team

We desire each member to use their God given gifts to encourage and support the Body of Christ. In doing so, we glorify God and build stronger relationships with others. Check out the different ministry teams to serve on.


We are seeking to take seriously the challenge of Acts 1:8 as we advance the Gospel from our neighborhoods to the furthest parts of the world.

How Can We Help?

As a church family we live life together and help support one another during the different seasons of life. Whether it’s just a simple question, or a practical need you may have, we want to connect with you and learn how we can help.

Lenexa Baptist Church

Fellowship Olathe

Reach Church De Soto